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In her early childhood Rachael Rapinoe suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Her mental distress was later compounded by physical pain and injuries she endured in her collegiate and professional soccer career. Having a family history of undiagnosed mental illness and addiction, Rachael was determined to find a natural remedy for her physical, mental and emotional challenges. That’s when she discovered the medicinal benefits of hemp-derived CBD (a non-impairing derivative of the cannabis plant), and a new passion for helping others like herself stay balanced, naturally.

Rachael set out to design plant-powered CBD products that would be more widely accessible, approachable and trusted– thus, Mendi CBD Solutions was born.

In the beginning, Mendi focused on creating products for elite female athletes to feel their best and manage pain naturally. However, recognizing a growing demand in the market, Rachael expanded the brand focus to include all people with active lifestyles who want to improve their quality of life in the most natural way possible.

“Wellness means a lot of things to different people, and I wanted to innovate wellness products truly tailored to individual needs,” Rachael says.

Mendi designs all natural, plant-powered CBD wellness tools for head-to-toe recovery, empowering everyday self-care routines. They offer Full Spectrum and No THC lines in salve sticks, relaxing bath salts (with Oregon-sourced sea salt), dissolvable drink tablets, gummies, tinctures, a massage oil and softgel capsules.

“Our core values are to be inclusive, all-natural, create & innovate, do the right thing always and have fun in the process,” Rachael says.

Published On: March 24th, 2023

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